Boryana Madzharova

Dr. Boryana Madzharova

Office hours

Office hours: Wednesday, 10:30 - 11:30, room LG 6.120 Responsibilities: Lecture Taxation and Labor Supply, Learning agreements, Student assistants, Erasmus program

Boryana Madzharova is an empirical microeconomist and a senior researcher (Akademische Rätin) at the Chair of Public Finance at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Dr. Madzharova obtained her Ph.D. from CERGE-EI, Prague in 2013 and joined the team of Prof. Thiess Buettner in 2014. Her research predominantly conducts micro-level analysis of public policies with a broad focus on taxation. She is especially interested in various aspects of the Value Added Tax such as its design and taxpayers’ compliance in the presence of third-party reporting. Currently, her main research projects include the special economic zones of the Vysegrad countries, the 2014 Russian ruble devaluation, and European energy subsidies.